.NET Framework Foundation Course (70-536)
Our .NET Framework Foundation course prepares you to take the 70-536 Microsoft Technology Specialist exam by teaching
you all of the low-level .NET features you need to build real-world applications.
With over 16 hours of recorded presentations and over 35 instructor demonstrations,
you can be confident you will get what you need from this course for both work purposes
and exam preparation.
View a free sample chapter from
this course here or meet your instructor here.
What's Included?
- 16+ hours of recorded tuition from a Microsoft Certified Trainer including exam tips
and tricks
- 35+ demonstrations including all source code in both VB and C#
- PDFs of the slides for printing and note taking
(slides include code samples in both languages)
- All for only £95 per DVD plus Vat (other currencies available during checkout)
Course Outline
- Course Introduction (click to view video)
- Framework Fundamentals
- Input-Output
- Searching, Modifying, and Encoding Text
- Collections and Generics
- Serialization
- Graphics
- Threading
- Application Domains and Windows Services
- Installing and Configuring Applications
- Logging and System Management
- Application Security
- User and Data Security
- Interoperating with COM
- Reflection
- Mail
- Globalization
- Course Review
- Exam Prep Session
Course Pre-Requisites
- At least some knowledge of either VB.NET or C# to basic syntax level
- Basic knowledge of Visual Studio 2003 or later
- Computer capable of running Visual Studio 2008
- We recommend purchasing the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft
.NET Framework - Application Development Foundation" so you can follow
along with the slides and instruction
- Please note the actual recorded demonstrations are in C#, but both VB and
C# are provided in the slides and source code