Student Testimonials and Comments

happy students

Here are a random selection of comments from past students that have attended .NET training courses conducted by our .NET trainer, Doug Rees.

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Name: Danny J.
Comments: Very nice explanations about AJAX web pages. The whole course was really good and I will try to do another one soon.
Name: Luke B.
Comments: the instructor was very experienced and well informed about the topic area. he was available to ask questions afterward if we missed anything however.
Name: James I.
Comments: The trainer was excellent once again and his knowledge went far beyond the constraints of the course materials.
Name: Tim P.
Comments: he is a fantastic instructor, overall the tuition was great and his indidividual attentiveness during lab sessions was great.
Name: David G.
Comments: A week in the company of Doug Rees is reason enough to attend this course, he is no Powerpoint Parrot, he is clearly a talented real world developer who can transfer his comprehensive knowledge of .NET effectively and ensure that if you put in the effort, you will get your MCAD.
Name: Stefan G.
Comments: he is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best trainier I have ever had.
Name: Martin F.
Comments: the instructor was brilliant, exceptionally knowledgable in his area
Name: Alan B.
Comments: Absolutely superb, I don't think i would have gained the knowledge and informaton, any other way
Name: Mark L.
Comments: Could'nt have asked for a better instructor
Name: Brett P.
Comments: he was the best instructor I had on a training course

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"the instructor performed his instruction beyond what I would have expected from anyone."
by Luke M.
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